If you are looking for a spiritual practice to create and manifest more abundance in your life, join us in the 40-Days to Prosperity Program.
The program is based on John Randolph Price’s book, The Abundance Book.
But first, why 40 days?
The reasoning behind reading affirmations is to alter our mindset to focus on our Spirit side rather than dwelling on the physical plane. It takes 40 days for our mind and consciousness to realize a truth. In other words, in 40 days, you can change your thinking thus creating your desired thinking process, habits, and outcomes. When we can change our minds, our life and circumstances are open to positive change!
And. of course, prosperity shows up in our finances, but also our health and relationships! We can manifest prosperity in all areas of our life!
I have participated in and lead a similar Prosperity Program based on John Randolph Price’s book, The Abundance Book in past years (even if you participated last year, please join us again this year!). A few years ago, I led this program at a local center that was facing some real financial challenges. We, as a group, read and meditated on the affirmations — one week at a time for each affirmation — over ten weeks. Near the end of the 10 weeks, the center received one of the largest monetary contributions ever! What a wonderful blessing that manifested through this practice!
After such a wonderful demonstration, I recommend we follow the program as John Randolph Price outlines in his book: Read through the affirmations EVERY DAY — at least three times every morning and evening — meditating on each one while reading them.
Each affirmation will be sent as an email to your inbox.
When you sign up for this free program, you will receive an inspirational email every day for 40 days. The emails will contain the affirmation for the day plus a short prayer/meditation to guide you along. Also, you will receive a free resource packet (in the welcome email), which includes a list of the affirmations plus some helpful tips to help you during the program. Sign up below: