Finding Happiness

Last year, I wrote a series of posts on The Happiness Project — one post for each month!  Since then, I had not found another good story about happiness until I ran across this story about finding happiness with balloons. The Happiness Balloons A wise teacher once brought balloons to the school and told her… More Finding Happiness

Sheep Syndrome

I receive many inspiring messages from other New Thought leaders.  When I find something interesting or profound, I like to share it with my readers. An inspirational story from Mary Morrissey: She was in grave danger! Hungry and alone, her mother was nowhere to be found. One hesitant step after the other, the trembling baby… More Sheep Syndrome

Courage in Death

Yesterday, I visited my young friend, Kristi, and watched her show tremendous faith and courage in the face of death. Kristi is the youngest daughter of a gal I worked with 25 years ago.  Linda, her mom, and I helped the regional director run and teach DD (Developmentally Disabled) adults.  During the years Linda and… More Courage in Death