
We often go through life, bouncing from one experience to another, without having clarity about who we are or where we are going. Maybe we will get married (or not!) and raise a family (or a single child), and once our role of parenting children is over, we may feel lost! Or perhaps we made… More Clarity

Open at the Top

Last week, I met with a group of folks to discuss what Ernest Holmes meant by being  ‘Open at the Top.’ To put this in context, here is one of Holmes’ quotes about the subject: It is up to us to find the place in between which gives freedom without giving the freedom to destroy… More Open at the Top

Why Engage in Mindful Spiritual Practices

Over the years, I have written many articles about New Thought Spiritual Practices. Today, I would like to share why I engage in Mindful Spiritual Practices. First, here are the primary spiritual practices taught by Centers for Spiritual Living, my brand of New Thought Centers. Six Main Mindful Spiritual Practices Meditation (listening to Spirit) Affirmative Prayer (speaking… More Why Engage in Mindful Spiritual Practices