Who or What is God?

We were working with friends on a business project when my friend made an interesting statement that made me think.  We were talking about churches and their beliefs on who or what is God. She told me she didn’t believe we were God.  Since she was so matter-of-fact about it and didn’t ask for an… More Who or What is God?

We Are Stardust

Last week, I listened to an online talk titled: We Are Stardust. Interestingly, my mind raced back to my teen years and Woodstock Music Festive in 1969. The words of the song, Woodstock by Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young came to mind: We are stardust, we are golden We are billion-year-old carbon And we’ve got… More We Are Stardust

Remember Who We Are

Life has its moments where we do not remember who we are.  Living gets complicated and messing, and suddenly, we feel out of control and react out of fear, confusion, and pain.  Can you relate? I spent way too long in a relationship, not remembering who I am. In this relationship, I was constantly belittled. … More Remember Who We Are