Spiritual Practices: Giving Time, Talents and Treasures

The Spiritual Practice of giving is older than the Bible.  Nearly every Spiritual or Religious entity emphases the importance of giving.  Not just tithing your money (treasure), but sharing your time and talents (gifts) as well.  In doing so, we set in motion the cycle of giving and receiving.  In New Thought, we refer to… More Spiritual Practices: Giving Time, Talents and Treasures

Expect a Miracle

The 40-Day Prosperity Program starts this Monday, January 14.  (Note:  If you have not received your free resources, you can sign up to access the packet, which includes a list of the affirmations here: 40-Day Prosperity Resource Sign Up .) To prepare for the daily affirmations, I want to challenge you to EXPECT A MIRACLE! … More Expect a Miracle

‘The Path to Wealth’ Daily Practice, Final Steps

One of my favorite books and favorite spiritual practices is from May McCarthy’s book:  The Path to Wealth: Seven Spiritual Steps for Financial Abundance Personally, meeting May many years ago, reading her books and attending her talks and workshops impacted my life in a deep and wonderful way. Throughout the years,  I continue to read… More ‘The Path to Wealth’ Daily Practice, Final Steps

‘The Path to Wealth’ Daily Practice — Step Two

One of my favorite books and favorite spiritual practices is from May McCarthy’s book:  The Path to Wealth: Seven Spiritual Steps for Financial Abundance Personally, meeting May many years ago, reading her books and attending her talks and workshops impacted my life in a deep and wonderful way. Throughout the years,  I continue to read… More ‘The Path to Wealth’ Daily Practice — Step Two

‘The Path to Wealth’ Daily Practice — Step One

One of my favorite books and favorite spiritual practices is from May McCarthy’s book:  The Path to Wealth: Seven Spiritual Steps for Financial Abundance Personally, meeting May many years ago, reading her books and attending her talks and workshops impacted my life in a deep and wonderful way. Throughout the years,  I continue to read… More ‘The Path to Wealth’ Daily Practice — Step One