Prayer is communing with Spirit. But what and how do we commune with Spirit? And what happens when we do commune with Spirit?
One of the greatest gifts given in New Thought philosophy is teaching its students (notice I did not say followers) how to pray more effectively.
Charles Filmore, the founder of the Unity Church, describes prayer in the following:
Prayer is the most highly accelerated mind action. It steps up mental action until man’s consciousness synchronizes with Christ Mind … Prayer is more than supplication. It is an affirmation of Truth that eternally exists, but which has not yet come into consciousness.
~ The Revealing Word, Page 152
Ernest Holmes, the founder of Religious Science (now called Centers for Spiritual Living), shares the following:
Prayer is essential, not to the salvation of the soul, for the soul is never lost; but to the conscious well-being of the soul that does not understand itself… This conscious co-mingling of our thoughts with Spirit is essential to the well-being of every part of us.
~ Science of Mind Textbook, Page 152
Notice that both writers state, in their own words, that prayer and communing with Spirit is essential.
But the prayers most of us learned as little children are not the same prayer that Filmore or Holmes talks about.
Prayer is not for our situation or other people; prayer is for ourselves.
Prayer changes things. Not through outside circumstances, but prayer changes me and you individually.
When we pray frequently, we are each better equipped to move through life, seeing the goodness of all things. It upholds our faith.
Once I embraced this belief in the power of prayer to change me, not someone else, life took a new turn. I began to take control of my life instead of floating along as an uninvolved entity of the world. I became more confident and bold, knowing that Spirit guides me to my best good.
If you are interested in knowing more about effective prayer that will change YOU, check out my free and advanced prayer course.