
If you are familiar with New Thought principles, you know that we are all spiritually connected.  No matter where you live, what race or what religion you are, we are all one with Spirit.

It is because of this oneness that we become interconnected and need one another to live and grow.

Ernest Holmes taught this principle when we wrote the Science of Mind textbook:

“One life behind all the lives!  One, one, one …. never two.  The unity of all life.  To learn this is to know a secret of the ages.”

The Science of Mind Magazine expounds on this principle in their April 26, 2018 Daily Guide:

“No human being stands alone.  We are interconnected and, more importantly, interdependent.  The power of connecting with our spiritual community is crucial, whether that be in a church or synagogue, around a dinner table or in a drumming circle … This also provides us connection to our divine source, for where two or more are gathered, there is the Great I AM!”

Have you ever wondered how organizations manifest so many great projects?  ConnectionsBecause of their interconnection with each other — working together for the good of everyone.  When we let go of our personal ego and connect with one another, we can change an individual mindset and create into a group endeavor!  In the process, we, as individuals, grow as well.

When we connect with one another, we can unite deeper with the Spirit within that creates all life.

Lots of miraculous happenings occur when we support and pray for one another.  When we are alone, we often struggle with everyday hurtles.  When we come together in Spirit, we uplift and support one another.

I am a big believer in sharing and discovering our interconnection with each other.

In May, I will be announcing our Hungry Souls Club:  An on line forum to learn, share,  uplift and support one another. As soon as the details are worked out and everything is ready to go, you will receive an announcement inviting you to interconnect and participate in a safe supportive environment.

If you are not already a member of the Spiritual Abundance Facebook group, you are welcome to join here:  Spiritual Abundance

For those who are blessed by the Spiritual Abundance Facebook Group or this newsletter, I really appreciate your contribution to the work: 
Love Offering


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