We are in the process of moving to our new home and running out of time to write a new article. Instead, I am devoting this week’s post to a story and article from Rev. Jackie Holland, CSL Boise, on light and darkness.
Once upon a time a Cave lived under the ground, as caves have the habit of doing. It had spent its lifetime in darkness. One day it heard a voice calling to it, “Come up into the light; come and see the sunshine.”
But the Cave, not knowing what this thing called Light was, answered, “I don’t know
what you mean. There isn’t anything but darkness.”
Finally, the Cave decided to venture out. He was amazed to see light everywhere. There was no darkness anywhere to be seen. He felt oddly warm and happy.
He wanted to repay the gift, so, looking up to the Sun, the Cave invited his new friend to come with him to see the darkness.
The Sun asked, “What is darkness?
The Cave replied, “Come and see!”
As the Sun entered the Cave, it said, “Now show me your darkness.” But there was no darkness!
Rev. Jackie’s Thoughts
The Truth being revealed is that THERE IS NO DARKNESS! It is an illusion when we remember that we are the Light. Ernest Holmes wrote in the Science of Mind textbook: “There is a light at the center of everyone. This light is never obliterated, but it does seem that it is often obscured by various reasons.” That brought peace to my soul as I realize that my inner light can never die, but it has simply been obscured by the “dirt and grit of the journey” as Howard Thurman would say.
Light was the first great revelation of Divine Creative Energy that called all living things into being . . .
“Let there be light and there was light.” The word light, as used in the Bible, is the symbol of spiritual illumination. It is the inner capacity in individuals to perceive a Divine Idea and to assimilate it into their consciousness. Any idea assimilated into consciousness must then express in our experience.
Dr. Holmes said: “Each of us should seek that beam of light within and follow it to the great Light – the Light that is in everything. We must acquiesce to It, and surrender all that has made us unhappy, all that has isolated us from It. Only then can God fully pronounce Itself through us and in us and personalize Itself as us.
Our light need not be borrowed from another, but each member of this great society called humanity is allowed to add their light to the sum total of human consciousness.
What will you contribute to the human consciousness today? The world desperately needs your Light!