Easter: New Beginnings

Easter is the day Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.  Easter also coincides with one of the first days of Springs. Both perspectives embrace this day and season as a time for new beginnings.

The metaphysical meaning of Easter and the Resurrection brings all these points together nicely.

The metaphysical definition of the word Resurrection:

Resurrection–The restoring of mind and body to their original, undying state. This is accomplished by the realization that God is Spirit and that God created man with power like that which He Himself possesses. When man realizes this, his mind and body automatically become immortal. “If the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwelleth in you, he that raised up Christ Jesus from the dead shall give life also to your mortal bodies through his Spirit that dwelleth in you” (Rom. 8:11). The word resurrection also suggests that there has been a falling short of the divine standard; therefore, the necessity of being restored and revived. Through resurrection man becomes an inhabitant here and now of “a new heaven and a new earth” (Rev. 21:1).

~ From the Truth Unity website

Looking at Easter as a time of personal resurrecting to new beginnings may reveal a different perspective to the Easter thoughts and stories you grew up with.  Of course, Easter bunnies are cute and Easter egg hunts are lots of fun!  But I plan to spend time in prayer and meditation this weekend on being restored and revived into a new beginning in my life.

Whether you celebrate Easter, the Resurrection, New Beginnings, or a combination of all three, I would like to honor the season with the following poem:

Easter: New Beginnings

May you and your family have a wonderful weekend of New Beginnings, Easter, and/or Resurrection!

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