Happy Holidays Message

Happy Holidays
from Dr. Kenn Gordon,
Centers for Spiritual Living Spiritual Leader

“It’s really no surprise that there are so many meaningful and sacred celebrations this time of year.  After all, the winter solstice not only marks the day with the least hours of sunlight, but also is the beginning of the expansion of light on our beautiful blue planet.
Happy Holidays from Dr. Kenn Gordon“Since the beginning of humankind, this has been a season that celebrates not only the coming of light, but also the embracing of darkness. In other words, no matter which holiday traditions you celebrate –  Christmas, Hanukkah, Bodhi Day, Kwanza, Id al-Fitr, Yule, Saturnalia, –  the winter solstice, or any of many others, is a day to celebrate our wholeness; a day to embrace the totality of humankind both individually and globally. 
“Dr. Holmes in his magnificent Christmas prayer encourages us to “let our minds be like a stable,” in that we include all of who we are as individuals and as a global society in our love and light.  This “wholeness” is the true meaning of this season. The ability to see the Divine in the Ox and the Lamb, as well as the Babe in a manger, is the true meaning of a Divine and Sacred Life.

“So let this season be the time that all of us put aside our critiques, judgments, and prejudices and embrace ourselves and others as complete. Let’s uncover those parts that we secretly condemn as not being good enough and bring them into the light so that they may become part of the light rather than persist as a shadow that lies hidden and covered in darkness.”


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