Years ago, I struggled with receiving answers to my prayers — until I embrace an important lesson: Learning to trust and have faith — even when I felt panicky!
But there are times when I forget that Spirit is looking out for my best good.
Last week, I had one of those panic moments. You know, when things just don’t seem to be working out perfectly.
I found a program I wanted to register for but just could not justify the cost. You see, we lost a chunk of our income when our home burned down. Thankfully, we received donations to help meet our immediate needs and to keep us going for a few months. But that extra money was running out. Also, we lost out on the last stimulus checks from the government and the new one had not been scheduled to arrive anytime soon!
What to do, what to do?!
Of course, my initial response was to panic. No, No, NO (I told myself)! But the panic came anyway.
We all go through periods like this. Even with all my knowledge, study, and practice around spiritual principles, I fail to remember my true nature as one with Spirit!
I finally confessed to my husband … (I’ll call it what it was) …my lack of faith and trust.
Thankfully, he recognized what was going on and told me that, as usual, all will work out. He also reminded me to use my spiritual practices to guide me through my doubts. Embarrassed by my panic and lack of trust, I took his advice to heart because I knew he was right!
Learning to Trust Spirit
Within days, I was hired for a new position that I was pursuing for over a month. The gal running the program I wanted to attend, offered me a payment plan to make it easier for me to join. Then, the following morning our stimulus checks arrived!
WOW! All waiting (I think) for me to get my act together spiritually to allow the smooth action of the Universe working on my behalf!
So, why am I sharing this? Because I am certain others suffer from the same lack of faith and trust. I am hoping my story will encourage you to realign your thinking and learn to trust again!
If you are struggling with trusting during difficult times, I can help. Check out my Manifestation Treatment Sessions where I will guide you through issues that cause you to worry or panic and help you see your oneness with Spirit.