New Thought Principle: Oneness

Back in October of 2019, Petra Weldes wrote an article in the Science of Mind Magazine called:  What Do You Believe.  In the article, she listed 10 principles that describe most New Thought movements.

The first principle she addresses is Oneness:

The principles of Science of Mind articulate the basic ideas of the theory and philosophy of this teaching. The principles New Thought Principle: Onenesshelp us understand the nature of reality — the Infinite Presence and the universal law, the nature of creation and our place in it and who we are in the scheme of things. However, principles are more than just intellectual ideas; they form the foundation for the way we engage in and co-create our lives.

Oneness: There is One Infinite Reality. We call It many names, including, but not limited to God, Life, Universal Spirit, Infinite Intelligence, First Cause or the Thing Itself. The One Infinite Reality is undivided, complete and whole within Itself. This Oneness creates everything out of Itself and therefore includes both the absolute and relative, tangible and intangible, physical and metaphysical aspects of reality.

What exactly is meant by Oneness?

In my studies and contemplation, it is revealed that God/Spirit (or The One) is the one entity that encompasses all creation — meaning that we are all one with Spirit and with each other.  Although we are separate living beings, we are all one spiritually and united (or connected) from a deep level within each one of us.

Having been created from ‘God Substance’ (or ‘in the image of God’, as the Bible says), we all have commonality with each other.

When we fully embrace this concept, we understand that what hurts you, hurts me and what brings you joy, brings joy to me.

Imagine how our world would be if everyone believed in Oneness!


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