One of the teachings I love about Science of Mind/Centers for Spiritual Living is their special prayer. But prayer doesn’t help if we don’t remember to pray!
Being trained as a licensed Spiritual Practitioner, prayer was one of the central teachings: Praying for others, praying for ourselves, and praying for the world. I was also taught to pray as one with Spirit — allowing Spirit to do the work, as I am not in control!
Historically, many of us were taught that prayer changes our outside circumstances. New Thought teaches that prayer changes us from within, which can change our circumstances. I sure got caught in that trap as I often prayed for others to change! Of course, that was not a very effective prayer.
This morning I read a passage in the February Science of Mind Magazine about prayer:
Ernest Holmes says, “The purpose of prayer, or spiritual communion, is to seek conscious union with this indwelling Presence.” Are we not curious to know this Indwelling, All-dwelling Presence more intimately? …
Jesus told us that when we pray we must enter the closet and shut the door. We should approach life inwardly and not outwardly, for to look only at the outward is to perpetuate the form we desire to dissolve.” In other words, creating, manifesting, demonstrating must begin with our consciousness, with our faith and with our confidence.
Too often, we can forget the power of prayer.
Going about my work the other day, I was frustrated that a piece of software I was using was not working correctly (you know: technology is wonderful when it works!). As I fumed a bit under my breath, I went on to another task that was not presenting the way I wanted to either. From there, I started to spiral until nothing seemed to work.
I happened to be talking to a Minister friend who listened to my frustrations for a bit. Finally, she asked me if I had prayed about it. Even technology will fix itself with prayer, she told me.
I took a couple of deep breaths and prayed, turning the situation over to God.
After a few moments, my breathing slowed, my frustration lifted, and the software began to work for me.
I felt so foolish! I spent four years taking classes to learn how to do this, and I forgot it all in a moment of frustration. Thank goodness, my friend gently pointed this out to me, and I was able to get back on track again.
Moral of the story: Most of my frustrations are caused by me not allowing Spirit to move through me. Next time, I will do a better job to stop and remember to pray before the situation gets out of hand!