Stay Focused on Spiritual Truths

How do we stay focused on spiritual truths when living in a world that does not always seem to express goodness or a healing atmosphere?

Of course, all is one with the One. But if we are honest with ourselves, not everyone we meet or interact with shares the same spiritual truth as we do.

If we spend a significant amount of time watching the news about what goes on in our country and the world, we may think we only see too much evil.

As a child, I spent too much time crying, fretting and worrying about the cruelness of my world. I learned to deal with this struggle a bit better as I got older. Through it all, I kept returning to my faith and believing in something greater than myself.

How did I learn to get past all this?

As a sensitive soul, I spent time nurturing my spiritual side to stay sane. If I didn’t, I am not sure what mental or emotional state I would be in now or during crisis times in my life.

One of the ways I nurture my spiritual side is to engage in the many spiritual practices I learned during my Practitioner Studies:

My day-to-day practice involves surrounding myself with Spiritual readings through Science of Mind and Unity Magazine, subscribing to inspirational email lists, following New Thought leaders, and creating a community of Facebook groups and organizations which inspire me.

Since COVID, many Centers and groups broadcast their services and classes on Zoom, YouTube, and Facebook. I am also blessed to work as a virtual assistant to many New Thought Centers and Focus Ministries. Most Sundays, I participate in my home church and one of the Centers where  I work.

Also, there are many free and low-cost classes and study groups to join that you can attend to keep you focused on Spiritual Truths. If you are interested, feel free to contact me, and I can share some of the groups I follow and the classes I attend.

These are just a few ways to stay focused on Spiritual truths. Feel free to share more with us.

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2 thoughts on “Stay Focused on Spiritual Truths

  1. You don’t have to attempt to become otherworldly. You are profound; you really want just to recollect that reality. Soul is inside you. God is inside you.

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