Winter Holidays and Traditions

December is a month full of many different celebrations. Growing up, my family and friends celebrate Christmas, commemorating the birth of Jesus.  We also incorporated the practices of decorating trees and visits from Santa Claus. Other countries and religions commemorate other celebrations and holidays.  Here are some of the unique winter holidays and traditions: Rohatsu,… More Winter Holidays and Traditions

Peace on Earth

With the many religious holidays and traditions, we can be overly busy during the holiday season.  But sometimes, during all the planning, we miss the meaning behind Christmas.  What about the story of Peace on Earth?  Where does our peace go when we are so busy? Over time, I decided to stop all the craziness… More Peace on Earth

Special Celebrations During December

December is full of many different special celebrations.  In America, we typically celebrate Christmas.  But other countries and religions commemorate other holidays.  Here are some of the special winter celebrations from the US and other traditions: Rohatsu, Solstice, Hanukkah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa! Rohatsu or Bodhi Day is the Buddhist holiday that commemorates the day that the… More Special Celebrations During December

Happy Holidays Message

Happy Holidays from Dr. Kenn Gordon,Centers for Spiritual Living Spiritual Leader “It’s really no surprise that there are so many meaningful and sacred celebrations this time of year.  After all, the winter solstice not only marks the day with the least hours of sunlight, but also is the beginning of the expansion of light on our… More Happy Holidays Message