Self-Care through Spiritual Practices

I keep my life balanced with self-care through spiritual practices. With the turmoil in the world, the best way I found to stay centered is through my spiritual practices. Before discussing these spiritual practices, I would like to share some interesting information I found in the January/February issue of Unity Magazine – Spirituality & Health.… More Self-Care through Spiritual Practices

Controlling Frenzy

Our world, especially the US, tends to be too full of frenzy. Maybe it is time we learn how controlling frenzy helps us live peacefully. I grew up in the San Francisco Bay area. We moved there the year I started 1st grade. My dad was an engineer with Lockheed Missile & Space (the company’s… More Controlling Frenzy

Remember Who We Are

Life has its moments where we do not remember who we are.  Living gets complicated and messing, and suddenly, we feel out of control and react out of fear, confusion, and pain.  Can you relate? I spent way too long in a relationship, not remembering who I am. In this relationship, I was constantly belittled. … More Remember Who We Are

Connecting with Spirit Through Creative Work

Engaging in spiritual practices helps us grow as we connect and express Spirit through creative work.  So what is creative work?  Unity booklet, Nurture Your Divine Spirit, describes it below … Creative work is a manifestation of your creative spirit. The divine gift of creativity expresses uniquely through each of us. When our creativity has… More Connecting with Spirit Through Creative Work