Yesterday, I participated in oral paneling testing for a new Spiritual Practitioner. It was very interesting since I had not been involved in Practitioner paneling since my own panel in the summer of 2016.

Being a Licensed Spiritual Practitioner requires two intensive years of training (plus around two years of prep classes), a written exam, and an oral panel. Although we had unofficial testing during the two years of intensive training, the final oral panels are the most important. After all, even if a Practitioner has all the knowledge required to conduct a Practitioner session, it is not enough. Until the students can prove they can handle the complications of an actual session, they are not fully equipped to be a licensed Practitioners.
What I Learned from the Experience
Participating in the panel, I realized how much the depth of New Thought philosophy had permeated my inner soul. My move from student to teacher is a process that allows me to participate completely in the paneling process. After all, I learned a much more effective way to live and deal with life through these teachings.
Understanding New Thought showed me how to stop living as a victim! For too many years, I saw life as happening to me. Now I know that we can create our own goodness through Spirit, which resides within us and manifests through us. Like many others taught to fear the wrath of God in the sky, I now see life differently. I see my oneness with God/Spirit and all things.
Today, I feel empowered to create my own destiny. Previously, I believed that stuff, beyond my control, just happened to me!
Do you feel like life just happens to you? Do you feel like a victim in a life where you have no control? Are you confused by the thought that God/Spirit resides and manifests through you?
Check out my 8-email course on Manifesting Peace and Fulfillment and find out how to create the life you love. Sign up for my free course and move your life beyond feeling like a victim.