‘The Path to Wealth’ Daily Practice, Final Steps

One of my favorite books and favorite spiritual practices is from May McCarthy’s book:  The Path to Wealth: Seven Spiritual Steps for Financial Abundance

Personally, meeting May many years ago, reading her books and attending her talks and workshops impacted my life in a deep and wonderful way. Throughout the years,  I continue to read and participate in any and all her programs and workshops whenever I can.

Following is the third (and final) steps in her daily practice from her first book:  The Path to Wealth

Step 3 – Speak your letter out loud with emotion! You will remember your written goals more readily and they will be at the forefront of your thoughts throughout the day. As a result, you’ll begin to notice more possibilities and “leads” that direct you to take the necessary steps on Your Path to achieve your goals!
— May McCarthy

This step may seem silly, but speaking your words out loud anchors them more fully in your consciousness. When you add emotion to your words, you’re providing instructions to your subconscious to believe that the words are true and must be transformed into form.

Reading your letter out loud (with emotion) also reinforce your belief that you will receive the good that you want and wrote in your letter. You will also retain more of the information when you read it out loud.

According to May, “As you use your thoughts, words, and emotions in harmony with each other, you put yourself in a position to attract what you’ve focused your attention on. You become magnetic to your good and start to see opportunities and possibilities.”

Have you ever had the experience of looking for a particular new car, and suddenly you see more and more of them on the road while you are traveling? This is the same principle! You are attracting what you want in your life!


The final steps of May’s practice are outlined here. For more information and detail on each of the last steps, I highly recommend you read of copy of her excellent book: The Path to Wealth

Step 4 – Imagine  and Visualize Experiencing Your Good.

Step 5 – Expect Leads and Follow Directions.

Step 6: Celebrate and Note Demonstrations. 

Step 7: End your day with gratitude and forgiveness.


Read more about May on her website

NOTE:  Currently, May hosts a program on Unity Radio called Abundance, Inc. on Thursday at noon Pacific time.

If you missed the first parts of this series, you can read it here:

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