Self-Care through Spiritual Practices

I keep my life balanced with self-care through spiritual practices. With the turmoil in the world, the best way I found to stay centered is through my spiritual practices. Before discussing these spiritual practices, I would like to share some interesting information I found in the January/February issue of Unity Magazine – Spirituality & Health.… More Self-Care through Spiritual Practices

Spiritual Activism

Initially, I had a different topic and post that I planned to write this week.  Instead of discussing what is happening in our country, I felt it was time to discuss spiritual activism. AI describes spiritual activism as the following: Spiritual activism is a practice that combines spirituality and activism to create a call to action… More Spiritual Activism

The Spiritual Practice of Listening when Communicating

Every day, I discover the importance of the spiritual practice of listening when communicating. It is so easy, even in casual conversations, for misunderstandings to occur. Yet, we fail to give effective communication the careful importance it needs and deserves. During my studies to become a Licensed Spiritual Practitioner, I was taught that listening is… More The Spiritual Practice of Listening when Communicating

Life-Changing New Year Opportunities!

Happy New Year! Instead of making silly resolutions, let’s celebrate 2025 differently: Shift your thinking and gain more freedom by enrolling in life-changing classes! Planned Happiness Institute’s teacher, coach, and mentor, Rev. Dr. Michelle Wadleigh, is offering her signature Courses in the 2025 New Year. If you are not familiar with Rev. Michelle Wadleigh, D.D.,… More Life-Changing New Year Opportunities!

Christmas Poem

LET CHRISTMAS COME By Elizabeth Searle Lamb, 1917 – 2005 Let Christmas come first Into the inner heart, God’s gift of Love renewed. Oh, cherish the gift And hold it close for a time. Let the gift be nurtured with faith and hope and joy. Then let this gift be released, released with every card, released… More Christmas Poem


We often go through life, bouncing from one experience to another, without having clarity about who we are or where we are going. Maybe we will get married (or not!) and raise a family (or a single child), and once our role of parenting children is over, we may feel lost! Or perhaps we made… More Clarity