
We often go through life, bouncing from one experience to another, without having clarity about who we are or where we are going. Maybe we will get married (or not!) and raise a family (or a single child), and once our role of parenting children is over, we may feel lost! Or perhaps we made some wonderful plans only to see them dissolve in front of us or realize that they did not turn out the way we expected.

Finding clarity about who we are can open pathways and directions to make our lives more purposeful.

I recently read a passage that expresses and defines clarity in spiritual terms:clarity

Clarity means I know I am love and the other divine qualities that are my birthright. It means I know I am more than my problems. It means that love, forgiveness and compassion are the only ways forward for me and for humanity. To know this when others do not is the great burden of being spiritually awake and psychologically healthy.
Clarity leaves me free to focus on what is important and to release what no longer serves me.

~ SOM, November 23 Daily Guides

So, how do we find this clarity?

When I look for direction, I look within first and ask myself questions, such as:

  • How can I best express Spirit in my life?
  • What form or purpose do I want my life to express?
  • What do I need to release to move forward?
  • What do I really wish to be in life?

I used a similar process early in 2021—after our home burned down. With the trauma of losing all our belongings (including our business assets), I was a bit lost as to where I wanted to go. Thankfully, I had a friend who lovingly helped guide me through the process of looking within to find clarity. This process made a significant impact on the direction I wanted to go, using my skills combined with my deepest desires. Now, I am working in the job/position I love and making a living with what I love. It can’t get better than that!

I am reworking my original Intentions Program and plan to release it early in 2025, which can help you achieve your dream life. It doesn’t matter where you are right now. You just need to be open to Spirit’s guidance based on your perfect desires.

Watch for my new Intentions Program, which is coming up early next year!

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