The last few weeks were filled with some lovely time with family. As I have gotten older, I appreciate the time away from my office, my part-time work, — enjoying life around me.
Visit from In-Laws
Last week, my husband’s sister and her husband drove up from the southern part of the state and spent a few days with us. We cooked them dinner the first evening they were in the area. Then we took them on a mini tour of the area the following day and had lunch at a downtown restaurant. It was a wonderful visit, especially since we had not seen them in almost 3 years. This was the first time they had a chance to see our new tiny home.
Last Sunday, Father’s Day, we spent several days with my husband’s nearly 6-year-old granddaughter. We took her to the Farmer’s Market, shopping with us, visited with my grandson and daughter, and rounded out the day with some time at the park. I’ll bet she slept well that night.
The following days were filled with more visits from this delightful little girl and her mom. We even took her on her first real fishing trip. She managed to catch a fish. But only with Grandpa’s help because, as she said, she didn’t want that flapping fish near her! What a hoot!
And, of course, with all the days of enjoying company, we are still eating leftovers from several delicious dishes we both cooked up! What a wonderful way of enjoying life!
Visit with My Brother and Mother
After the weekend, my younger brother flew in from southern California to spend time with our aging mother. My brother and I were close as kids but lost touch for several years as I lived out of state (we grew up in the SF Bay area). It was great to spend time reminiscing about growing up, people we still knew from the Bay Area, and trying to remember the details of certain occasions! And, of course, we remembered our brother, who was born between us and died 25 years ago.
With my 98-year-old mother declining, I am learning to appreciate my time with family. I had regrets that I was unable (or so I thought) to spend more time with my brother, who died from cancer. I don’t want to feel that way when my mother passes.
During these last weeks, I have several projects I am working on, but I put them aside temporarily — something I would not have done in the past. But family is only with us for so long. And I am learning to change my priorities and enjoy life with people I care about.
Knowing that all was well with my time away from work, I enjoyed visiting with my family. I will remember these last weeks the next time I think that work is more important than taking time to rest and enjoy life.