Have you ever pondered: What or Who is God?
I, like many people in the US, was taught from a very early age that God is a white-bearded man in the sky that watched me and judged everything I did. As a little girl, I wanted desperately to please God and every time I ‘sinned’ I was off to the confessional to confess these sins to the priest (who, I was taught as a Catholic, was the representative of God on earth).
As a teenager, I discovered the loving side of God that was expressed through Jesus. No longer was I scared of the ‘big man in the sky’ but longed for the love and peace that surrounded Jesus and his followers.
Now, as an adult, my concept of God has widened to encompasses the whole world around me. God is just not in church, in the priest or minister, not even in Jesus only. When I remembered that God created me in his own image, I discovered that God has become me and I have become God. That God is not outside me, but living as me.
I love the way Gaylon McDowell describes it in his article, ‘Hardcore Metaphysics: The God Paradox’, in the February issue of Science of Mind Magazine:
God lives in you. You are divine. Your are a divine spiritual being made in the image-likeness of God. I personally believe that the divinity of humankind is the most imortant concept taught in New Thought.
Divine Science Minister, William R. Parker, (1915 –1993 author, psychologist, minister) says this about God:
Whatever we could agree that God is, God is you…. Notice that we did not say that you are God. We said, God is you. Ice is water. All ice is water, but not all water is ice…. Whatever your life is, it is God. The life in us is God Life. The wisdom in us is God Intelligence, and the love in us is God Love. We are created as an idea in God Mind, and our purpose in life is to out-picture this idea in expression.
Rather than believe that God is the ‘big man in the sky’ judging my every action, I see God as the principle of all truth and goodness expressed in all Its creations.
So if God is all goodness, love, peace, and joy, that is who we are!
NOTE: Morgan Freeman explores some of these concepts in his series now featured on Netflix: “The Story of God”
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