You Are the Best Thing

I recently read an article in the Science of Mind Magazine:  “You are the Best Thing That Ever Happened to You.”

That phrase stuck in my head for days. I am the best thing that ever happened to ME. Let that sink in for a few moments. Our best thing is not our family, our religion, our community, our country … it is each of us individually! After all, who impacts us the most other than ourselves?

According to author Sally Robbins, “All the power, glory, and beauty of the universe (is) accessible by this human being” — ME!

Too often, many of us judge ourselves by what we have not done or been. Thoughts like I am not pretty enough, rich enough, smart enough (or similar phrases) run through our heads too often. Then, of course, we judge ourselves! Or am I the only one who does that?

Making the shift from thinking negatively about ourselves to remembering we are the best thing that ever happened to us takes a real commitment. I, along with Sally, believe that the best way out of this negativity we take on is to practice gratitude. This is especially important during times when we don’t feel grateful.

Practicing gratitudeYou are the Best Thing

Practicing gratitude during the biggest tragedies in my life helped me remember that I am still the best thing despite my circumstances. I learned my greatest lessons during this time. I not only found goodness in myself but saw and felt the goodness of those around me.

Sally says, “In every moment, we get to choose the vibration we attune to.” Sometimes, this is challenging as we tend to get swept into the vibration of the world — which, as you know, seems bleak at times.

Currently, the residents of the Mobile Home Park where I live are again facing another rent raise—the third one in less than a year and a half. I am managing to keep calm about this increase. Yet, I am apprehensive about focusing too much on this because we are all greatly disappointed. And honestly, I fear for the stability of so many of our older folks barely surviving on their monthly Social Security payments.

But I am choosing the vibration I wish to attune to during this time. I am actively letting go of fear—fear of the unknown ahead of me and fear of dealing with the carnage around me caused by this. Maybe if I can step up and remember that I am the best thing that ever happened to me, those around me will begin to feel the same.

Remember:  You are the best thing that has ever happened to you. Now, we just need to act like it.

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