Caring For Each Other

I’ve been involved in many discussions about our purpose in life. Everyone’s purpose is different, of course, but I believe our primary purpose is caring for each other.

When I think about caring for each other, this quote comes to mind:

“We’re all just walking each other home.” ~ Ram Dass

There are various thoughts on what this means. Still, to me, it means sticking with each other to help us feel safe on our journey, to protect and aid one another, and perhaps providing some enjoyment to lighten their load—not just physically but emotionally and spiritually.

I have found this caring in church and some family settings. But I also find that we can each create it just by showing and demonstrating care for each other. Although challenging at times, it is not so much for me as I naturally gravitate towards caring. On the other hand, when I quit caring about others and start focusing only on myself, I slip out of alignment with Spirit.

With all the turmoil in the world, I think our first reaction should involve caring. I know it is hard sometimes. People hurt one another, and it is hard to care during those times. But in the long run, I wonder how different our world would be if we spent more time ‘walking each other home.’

How can we do that? Here are some examples of caring for each other:

  • Visiting with the older folks in our communities. They have a wealth of knowledge to share with the world.
  • Lending a helping hand to others when they are tackling a big project. We needed to trim a tree in our yard but did not have the equipment to do so. A neighbor came by and offered to thin it out with his chainsaw.
  • Babysitting for a worn-out mother when it is needed. Sometimes, just a few hours of rest can mean the world to a new mother.
  • Taking a friend out to lunch when they are feeling down and low on ready cash to pay for their meal.
  • Sitting with someone during their grief can be uplifting. Often, there is nothing to be said, but just being there can be enough.

It is interesting to discover how quickly we can lose ourselves in caring for others.

Here is another quote that made me think about the importance of caring:

“What if joy is not only entangled with pain, or suffering, or sorrow but is also what emerges from how we care for each other through those things?” ~ Ross Gay

Enjoy the video below while thinking about what you can do today to demonstrate your caring for each other.

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