Right in Front of My Nose

I have been self-employed for years. Because of that, I frequently search for more ways to expand my business — in an intelligent manner. Sometimes, those ideas are right in front of my nose, but I don’t see them.

First, some back story. I was in my early 40s when my husband (or husband-to-be, as I am not sure of the timing) paid for me to attend computer classes at the college outreach office located a block from where I lived at the time. I was not part of the generation that learned how to use a computer in school, so this stuff was all new to me.

Learning those skills opened up a whole new world. Staying connected with computers, their software, and the internet has placed me in a wonderful position to work remotely doing what I do as a virtual assistant.

Now, back to the present to explain what is right in front of my nose!

As a self-employed person with extensive computer and marketing skills, I spend most of my time working remotely with various New Thought Centers. I help with setting up and updating websites, creating electronic newsletters (along with a few hard copy newsletters), social media posting, and meme and flyer creation. (Say, if your Center needs someone like me, I have some openings!)

When I closed my sales rep business (which was also online) and devoted my time to building my Spiritual business, I did lots of tasks and projects that didn’t work out. Of course, that was not a bad thing. Once I discovered that I enjoyed doing all these things for other people, I let go of creating them just for myself.

Currently, I am taking the Prosperity Plus II class hosted by my home CSLO church. Honestly, I did not plan to take the class because … well, I had taken it before. But this is where the revelation on the right in front of my nose took place.

If you spend any time on the web, you know that software is constantly changing. Sometimes, it is downright maddening, but often, it is a significant improvement.

So here I am, trying to figure out a way to expand my business without causing me to invest a ton of time. I realized that the email newsletter software I have been using for years (the one that delivered these heartfelt messages to your inbox every week) has offered a new option:  Selling products! This is the very software I needed to promote the digital guides that I had created a few years back. Now, with a minimum amount of work, I can introduce some of these guides.

Watch over the following weeks as I re-launch some of these great pearls of wisdom that were right in front of my nose!

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