Expressing Our Values

New Thought folk generally don’t go door to door proclaiming that we are all one with Spirit. So, how are we expressing our values to the world?

Most Centers have outreach programs that engage in various promotional tasks, but what about you and me as individuals?  How do we share our values?

For me, the first way is through example. When upheaval occurs in our neighborhood, city, state, or country, help and comfort are needed. A steady countenance and attitude can go a long way when there is fear or panic in the air. I know that having someone to listen and encourage us goes a long way in neutralizing a volatile situation.

If you remember, when the Trade Center Towers collapsed, so many people risked their lives to help those in trouble.  Many of the rest of us contributed to the effort with money, supplies, and a helping hand where possible.  As a country, we expressed our values to our fellow citizens who were in trouble.  Likewise, I don’t think I would have made it through the fire that destroyed our home without the love and support of those around us.

But how about expressing our values in the day-to-day lives we lead?  Here is how I see it:

  • Showing love and compassion to the people around us when they are struggling
  • Not involving ourselves in judging or gossiping about one another
  • Leading a hand when someone needs extra help
  • Recycling unwanted or unneeded items that someone else may want or need
  • Listening when a friend needs to talk
  • Just being there for someone

During this election year, I observed some negative ways of expressing our values!

It saddens me to hear some of the rhetoric coming from some of our politicians running for office.  One group seems to be focusing on hate, division, and lies.  But even sadder, some of the population seems to be flocking to that kind of message. I, too,  see some of my neighbors endorsing those thoughts and behaviors.

As you may remember, I live in a red state. I do my best to listen to others with whom I disagree, trying to understand why they feel the way they do. It makes me sad to see others endorsing negative values, and I am at a loss as to what to say to them.  Typically, I say nothing, but I do my best to exhibit the points I listed above.

I believe this is the perfect time to express our values of love, compassion, understanding, and unity—and voting is part of that expression!

“Be the change you want to see in the world.” (attributed to Gandhi) Incorporating  Gandhii’s words is the best way I know of to express your values in the world.

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