Looking at the election results made this article challenging to write. As I wondered what to write, I came across so many encouraging articles telling us to breathe and continue breathing!
I am so thankful for the New Thought teaching that I surround myself with. If it weren’t for my spiritual practice and my various teachers and mentors, I think I would be much more depressed and heartbroken.
This reminded me of the quote from Fred (Mr.) Rogers: “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” The helpers in my life are those who see the good in what seems like a very bad situation.
To help you breathe, I would like to share some of their words of wisdom:
This is more than a phrase, it’s a call to action. It’s an invitation to rise up and recommit ourselves to the work of building a compassionate, just, and inclusive society.
Let us remember that our principles and practices are not bound by election cycles; they are enduring lights guiding us toward the world we envision.
As we move forward, let’s carry these values with us. Let’s be the presence of peace, understanding, and love that our communities and our country so deeply need. Every conversation, every connection, and every act of kindness matters.
Together, we will continue to make a difference.
~ Centers for Spiritual Living Spiritual Leader, Rev. Dr.Soni Cantrell-Smith
This morning, I awoke and the first thought that came was “Before the election, chop wood, carry water; after the election, chop wood, carry water.” No matter the outcome of the election, the Infinite Presence still IS and is still being Its own true nature. It is important to remember, at times like these, that we are still spiritual beings, having SPIRITUAL experiences, in human form. So we each get to ask, what is the spiritual awakening that I’m being called to here? ~ Rev. David Robinson, CSLO
For many of us, right now, there is an overwhelming sense of grief, anxiety, anger, and even disbelief. It is good to allow those feelings to be real and process through us. But we know that we are a community of whole-heartedness, and we know what is possible. (We are) a community that is building a global community of people who choose love one person at a time. A community that practices understanding and loving kindness, a community that practices a way of conscious living. ~ Rev. Neil Pinkman, CSLNJ
After taking a day to pause in contemplation, I’ve come to realize: The sun rose snd set yesterday as it always has and always will. There is nothing that happens outside of me that can ever affect what is within. My faith always prevails and truth always wins. I will continue to look for and bring peace to my life and others. That will never change and gives me great comfort in the coming days, months and years ahead. We stay strong as a nation and do whatever is necessary to heal and move forward. That is who we are. ~ Anthony Diaz
I believe that the dark place ( that people say we have now entered) really is in the heart of this country, that has always been, has now been revealed. It’s who this country is and it’s our calling, if we want a truly healed and healing humanity, is clear. Be kind, be loving, be honest, be diligent, be the change we want and be it now. We were made for this time. We know how it could go. Or perhaps we don’t. And we know where we stand…in the light. Be a light beacon to others. Be so bright as to attract others to this truth. ~ Lynn Chaplin-Noe
Rev. Dr. Michelle Wadleigh’s After the Election Substack Audio
Remember, through all of this, breathe!