Open at the Top

Last week, I met with a group of folks to discuss what Ernest Holmes meant by being  ‘Open at the Top.’ To put this in context, here is one of Holmes’ quotes about the subject: It is up to us to find the place in between which gives freedom without giving the freedom to destroy… More Open at the Top

New Look at Prayer

During the end of 2023 and the beginning of 2024, I am assisting in a ‘back to the basics’ CSL (Center for Spiritual Living) class. Part of the class is focused on taking a new look at prayer. CSL and some New Thought Centers organizations base their beliefs and teachings on the words of Ernest… More New Look at Prayer

Who or What is God?

We were working with friends on a business project when my friend made an interesting statement that made me think.  We were talking about churches and their beliefs on who or what is God. She told me she didn’t believe we were God.  Since she was so matter-of-fact about it and didn’t ask for an… More Who or What is God?

Looking Inside

SPOILER ALERT:  SELF CONFESSION FOLLOWING. Sometimes, I forget who I am in Spirit. Unfortunately, this is what happened recently. The worst part was I forgot about looking inside myself for answers and directions. And this is not the first time I have drifted into trouble. I wrote an article titled Remember Who We Are a… More Looking Inside

So Heavenly Minded

When I was active in the fundamental Christian Movement, we had a saying:  “So heavenly minded that you are no earthly good.” At the time, observing heavenly-mindedness meant that the particular person seemed so focused on ‘getting to Heaven’ that they were not functioning much on earth as humans nor relating to life in the… More So Heavenly Minded